"Television personality Korie Robertson (L) and Jessica Phillips attend the "Duck Commander Musical" premiere on April 15, 2015 in Las Vegas."
"Jessica Phillips arrives at the "Duck Commander Musical" opening night on April 15, 2015 in Las Vegas."
"Christine Tizzard and Paul Venoit attend "God Save the Queen: The Next British Invasion" party on October 14, 2010 in Toronto, Canada."
"Maggie Betts (L), Jessica Joffe (ML), Rebekah McCabe and Ferebee Bishop Taube (R) attend "The Winter Wonderland Ball" on December 5, 2008 in New York."
"Nicky Hilton and Nylon Magazine Style Director Dani Stahl (R) attends the 11th Anniversay Celebration of Nylon Magazine on April 7, 2010 in West Hollywood."
"Dani Stahl and Nicky Hilton (R) attends the 11th Anniversay Celebration of Nylon Magazine on April 7, 2010 in West Hollywood."
"Wendy Melvoin is best known for having worked in the 1980s with Prince and his band "The Revolution", and for her collaboration with Lisa Coleman, notably in the duo "Wendy and Lisa"."